Find out the best time to buy cheapest air tickets

If you love to travel and discover new destinations, you’ve probably wondered what the best time to buy air tickets is. After all, is there a specific period to guarantee cheapest airplane tickets offers and prices?

Even with different airline tickets websites and cheap flights sales options, it is possible to buy cheap air tickets at a particular time. Want to know more? So, check out the details and tips that the Costa do Sauípe team has prepared for you!

What is the best time to buy cheap airfare?

Find out the best time to buy air tickets

After all, when is the best time to buy airfare tickets? Most airlines usually offer promotions and offer at night, from 00:00 to 6:00 in the morning, mainly from Friday to Sunday.

You can find the best flight conditions for an excellent cost-benefit during this period. It is common to appear promotional air tickets at dawn, reaching up to save on cheap airline tickets 80% off discount airfare on the total flights prices value.

However, it is essential to note that plane tickets prices vary according to different factors, not directly linked to a specific time or day of the week. Among them are:

  • routes;
  • most/least sought after destinations;
  • total number of companies that make the route/destination;
  • high/low season;
  • boarding day.

That way, if the idea is to take a trip in high season to a popular destination, prices can be higher. The same happens when there are few routes to the destination, a small number of companies making the route and more desired dates for boarding, such as holidays or weekends.

Tips for those who want to save on cheap airfare

Find out the best time to buy air tickets

Even knowing the best time to buy air tickets, you still don’t know how to find cheap flights seats at a low cost-benefit? So, here are some tips that can help find cheap airfare tickets below.

1. Make a travel plan

Before buying a plane ticket, a good tip is to make a travel plan. So, you can account for all expenses and find out how to get the most out of the experience while spending little.

Plan the tour considering how many people will board, which tourist attractions will be visited, the best region and airport to disembark, etc.

2. Search for one or more  flight destinations

When choosing your travel destination, search for one or more places of interest. This will allow you to compare flights the structures and prices offered at each time of year, whether in high or low season.

In addition to choosing the cheapest time to buy air tickets, you can choose between cheaper tourist destinations, which offer better value for money in the period. This tip is super important, especially if the idea is to take a family trip, where expenses are usually higher.

3. Research for cheap flights before making the air tickets purchase

If you want to guarantee a cheap plane tickets, a great alternative is to research well before buying. So stay tuned and search cheap tickets before choosing seats.

Currently, different applications facilitate the search and compare cheap flights prices according to each company. These tools can even issue warnings about falling values related to your search.

4. Buy in advance

Another tip for those who want to buy cheap plane tickets is to do it in advance. When purchasing the package at least 30 days before the flight, it is easier to guarantee the best prices, as everything tends to be more expensive the day before.

In this way, you can use the best time to buy air tickets and other tips that help with the purchase. Thus, you guarantee good conditions and can travel with peace of mind.

5. Opt for less busy periods

Want to take a few days off to relax on a budget? So, opt for trips in less busy periods. During the low season, the price of airline tickets goes down, and you can save some money.

In addition, in the high season and on long holidays, the flow of passengers increases, which generates more demand, causing prices also to take off.

6. Travel in cheapest economy flights class

A plane trip doesn’t have to be synonymous with significant expenses. So, if you intend to guarantee cheapest air tickets, invest in economy flights class.

So, even outside the best time to buy air tickets, you have more affordable prices than business class. Not to mention that airlines also offer super comfortable seats in this cheapest air flights category, which makes everything even better!